The first part of this went rather tame, received a few hands, but when the leaping hounds started to do their leaping every leap was greeted with laughter and hands, and at the finish received a great hand. 15 min.
In Songs and Stories. Special drop. Sings several songs, all proceeded by a short story. This act received a few hands thro act and a fair one at finish. 12 min.
In “Some Syncopation” Renders several numbers on the Xylophone. This act went over very weak. No hands through act and a weak one at finish. 10 min. in one.
Baritone and Trumpeter. Miss White plays a trumpeter and piano, while Bezazin sings; at the finish they both sing together. This act is a very neat one, and received hands all thro act and at finish a big hand. They opened and closed in palace. They had handsome drops or cycle which would have added greatly to their act if they could have used them. Stage too small. 12 min.
In Smart Songs and Dances. Man and woman. Singing and dancing; Chinese song with costumes. Received a good hand at finish. 10 min in one.
In “Just Variety.” Man and woman. Singing, dancing, comedy bicycle, etc. Woman makes several changes. Received laughs and a few hands thru act and a fair hand at finish. 14 min. full.
Styled “The Blue Bells of Harmony” in an Exclusive Song Cycle. Special drop. Just singing. This act “died” here not a hand or even a smile. 10 min.
“They Talk Thru Their Hats.” Juggling hats principally, they also use clubs. This act gets plenty of laughs all thru act and a fair hand at finish. 12 min full.
“A Study in songs and Stories.” This fellow’s opening was full of profanity and smutty talk – he should be taken down a peg or so—of course I had it all stricken out, and to-night his stories went over good. Got laughs and a fair hand. 10 min in one.
The Eminent Edison Phonograph Accordion Artists. This man plays several numbers with good effect – received a hand after each number and a good hand at finish. 12 min in olio.