12 min. F.S. This is a quiet act, as closing acts go, but finished and artistic. The diablo work is the best ever seen here, and particularly when the four boys work the act with the individual lights contained in the revolving spools. Good closing hand.
18 min. This is a very good original act, although it is hardly strong enough to go next in a big show. It made very good, however, following Beban, getting many laughs and closing very well with Neff’s eccentric dance.
“The Sign of the Rose.” 25 min. F.S. Same act as presented here with the same cast. Made the same hit with our audience as previously. One of the best tabloid dramas and convincingly presented.
15 min. An instantaneous hit. This little woman certainly surprised the audience this afternoon and got them going in a way that few vocalists have ever done in this house. She has a most pleasing personality and her costumes are very chic and Frenchy, but her voice is one of the most phenomenal voices ever heard on this stage, or for that manner any other vaudeville stage of the country. Her singing of a popular song in English in two octaves caught the audience so strong that they were loath to let her go and gave her repeated calls. As a vaudeville attraction in the vocal line, is worthy of the highest commendation.
“Hotel Turnover.” 12 min. F.S. This act has also improved since its last appearance here, the acrobatic work being extraordinary of all three and winning big applause. Closed very strong.
22 min. Has improved immensely since his appearance here. He has remodeled his act so that scarcely anything remains of the first feature and all of his fun is spontaneous and full of surprises. Kept the audience in constant laughter throughout. One of the most unique acts in Vaudeville, the humor being clean and genuine. The close in one with amusing line of patter won big applause.
16 min. in one. Advance hand. This is Morton’s home town and he made a decided hit. This was not entirely a score of sentiment, for his songs are new, well selected and he has a good voice in delivering. Compelled to respond to two encores.
8 min. F.S. This is a very pretty act. The four girls are of a size, dress exactly alike and dance extremely well, particularly the rope-jumping and the acrobatic dancing. The tambourine finish was especially effective and got a very good hand. A pretty act and could hold a good spot on any bill.
A great act with an exciting horse race at the finish. Went very big and look to do a big week’s business with it. 15 minutes in three. Two changes of sceneries.
A pair of fast steppers. A first class dancing act. Went very big. 10 minutes in one.