Sandor Trio

European Gymnasts. A very fine act. They perform wonderful feats of strength in a very easy manner. Held the audience to the very close. Full stage. Time 12 minutes.

Eva Mudge

“The Military Maid”. This young lady is just as pleasing as ever. She has one new song and recital in her changes, called “The Highwayman” which is exceedingly good. She has no equal in this country in quick character changes. Always goes strong. Full stage, close in one. Time 15 minutes.

Dillon Brothers

This team are favorites here; they have many new songs and sayings. A good act and went well. All in one. Time 19 minutes.

McMahon’s Watermelon Girls

This is one of the best acts of the kind that comes to this house. It seems to improve every day. It is a song story of life in the south, set to sweet music and capitally sing and danced. Scenic effects good. Made a decided hit. Full stage, close in one. Time 15 minutes.