Valerie Bergere and Co.

"Carmen" - Valerie Bergere and her company have offered a tabloid version of the sketch, having condensed its greatest moments into twenty-six minutes. The scene takes place in a mountainous ravine to which Don Jose has flown after having killed for his love of Carmen. Six of the characters are shown in this production: Don Jose, Escamillo (toreador), Doncairo, Zara, Farsquita and Carmen. The beginning of the sketch has Doncairo, Zara and Farsquita developing the early portion of the story line. From then the action is quickened. Carmen stabs Zara, there is a knife duel between Don Jose and Escamillo, leading Carmen to escape with the toreador and her eventual murder by Don Jose.
Miss Bergere has earned the title which she bills herself - "The Bernhardt of the Varieties." As an actress she has an emotional prowess and versatility; the role of Carmen allows her to showcase this well. The story, acting and magnificence of the production are a trio that create a combination ideal for serious entertainment on the vaudeville circuit. The support case is excellent. The entire presentment is up to the Bergere standard of lavishness.
Variety 21:13 (03/04/1911)