“On the Veranda”

Cast of three boys and three girls, set in a college. Dancing. Costume changes.
Comic dialogue and singing.
"On the Veranda."
"On the Veranda" has three boys and three girls. They are in a co-ed college, each having his own sweetheart. One bashful boy is kidded by the other two on his awkwardness in making love. Songs here and there, all production numbers One of the boys is a singer, another a dancer, and the third a comedian, of no mean ability. This last young fellow has much personality that takes from the minute he comes upon the stage until the finish, which has a comedy scene that may be remembered for some time. The girls sing and look sprightly and are well dressed, making two changes, as do the boys likewise. The act abounds with bits that are new and worth while and the song numbers are catchy. "On the Veranda" is attractive and can be operated reasonably.
Variety, 38:8 (04/23/1915)