John W. Dugan and Co.

George Weedon and J.K. Emmett are responsible for "Bud's Inferno." The act is one of the "dream things," but this is concealed until the end. Bud Wizer, a surething wire-tapper, has found himself in hell. His "Satanic Majesty" is awaiting him and desires to make him is secretary. Bud catches the eye of the Devil's girl and the two plan to elope. They are caught, and Bud is about to be thrown into the sea of molten lead when suddenly there is a quick curtain. The scene changes to a sick room, Bud in bed, and nurses and doctors attending to him after an operation. Bud's visit to Hell was simply a dream.
The "try out" act received five curtains and an extra bow.
Dugan, as the wire-tapper, delivers the numerous bright lines well. He is a light comedian of no mean order. Dorothy Phillips is a pretty girl, with a pleasing voice and personality. J.K. Emmett handles his role as the Devil capitally.
Variety 21:12 (02/25/1911)