Klein Bros. and Brennan

The "Song, Talk and Dances" act is billed as late features of "In Panama." It is unknown whether or not Miss Brennan was included but it is likely that she played with them. They take their offerings from the musical comedy, opening with one of the show's hit songs and accompanying dance. They do some talk then follow with the men donning the "Admiral Day and Knight" uniforms. While they change Miss Brennan sings alone. The men returned with comedy talk, and then the trio performed a burlesque grand opera bit, with Brennan in an evening gown.
Brennan's solo proved how far looks and personality will go, as she got away with the song. The finish,"Colon Town," was the hit; it was given in capital style and showcased the men as first rate dancers. The act should simply be billed as singing and dancing. The talk is good enough, but improperly handled. The burlesque number should be cut altogether; it would decrease the running time a proper 15 or 16 minutes.
Variety 21:11 (02/18/1911)