In the second half, Miss Carlos dresses as a grotesque character, and has her hair done up for comedy, but in making up her face the “comedy” stops, for she goes in to make herself stand out as the rather pretty girl she is. The ladies of the chorus are clothed in some handsome wardrobe for the generous distribution of numbers throughout the show.
The trio have a comedy contest which runs throughout the whole show. The women in the show do little. Corinne Lehr and Myrtle Barrington simply come and go to dress the stage. Alta Phipps leads only a few numbers, singing "The Eagle and Girl," which carried special attraction. Neva Don Carlos leads a song which Ward and Reynolds cleverly build up with comedy.
Types of Jew, Dutch and Irish funmakers do not always bring the results this trio is able to accomplish with their act. Any one of them are capable to lead their own show, together they are that much better. The chorus are a good-looking lot of girls, work well and are a credit to themselves and the show. In all essentials the show was clean and wholesome. It was clear that special preparations had been made for the "home coming" and patrons of the house were supplied with one of the many really good entertainments of the season.
Variety 21:9 (02/04/1911)