Goodwin and Elliot

This piano act entitled “The Publisher” was twelve minutes long. Sam Goodwin has copied the former act of Will H. Fox, who played the piano with his nose and wore Paderewski makeup. Adah Elliot says very little and her only action is to occasionally place her hand on Goodwin’s knee while seated on the bench. The setting is the interior of a publisher’s office.
"Three Weeks"
It is not necessary for Elliot to keep touching Goodwin's knee. Goodwin may be a good piano player, but there is no excuse for simply lifting Fox's material and using it as his own. He will survive on the smaller time if "managers care to accept Mr. Fox's accomplishments at second hand." He needs to add some original material to the act before it will make the big time.
Variety 28:4 (27/09/1912)