Comic dialogue.
"A Plot Without a Story."
Fred Heider has been with a production since last in vaudeville. When in it before Nettie Packer also appeared with him. This may be the same act. They appear before a special drop of a street front, stopping beside a book stand. There is considerable punning talk anent books and their titles. It grows tiresome, with but little humor concealed anywhere in the dialog. When Mr. Heider dances the act stands up, though that is not Miss Packer's fault. She does fairly well with a song and might do better with better songs. Mr. Heider's "Indian" dance and the jazz double number at the finish, concluding with another Heider dance, tied
up the show. Almost any act might be said to be an excuse for Heider's dancing. He doesn't require much else, an acrobatic eccentric, loose, double jointed, two-footed kicking dancer.
Variety, 54:7 (04/11/1919)