Fred Irwin

The trade-mark of Fred . Irwin is self evident in his "Big Show" this season. Acts Include: "The White Way" has some comedy with a revolver, and the political candidates make speeches, the same as last season. The hit of the vaudeville end is Gertie De Milt and the JVatson Sisters (Kittle and Fannie) in a "three-act" There are a couple of songs, "Rainbow" and "Mandy Lane," but the hard-shoe dancing makes the act immensely strong. The burlesque is "The Actor's Club." It is cut up into minute specialties, and is a "Review." There is one numper in this, "The Toy Soldier," with quite the neatest background. Singing "Mary" Florence Bennett claimed she was impersonating Fay Templeton. Perhaps she was, but Miss Bennett does it well enough not to worry about Miss Templeton in the song. Florence also does ah "Egyptian Dance" which may have been trimmed close for the Brooklyn Olympic. Harry Campbell is the chief laughtermaker, playing an Irishman in both pieces. James Harkins, a "coon shouter," opens the olio. Murry Livingston, an excellent Italian in the first part, and a Hebrew in the second part.
Edna Roberts led a "baby" song shortly after, but following too closely for any effect, although Miss Roberts won encores by offering to kiss the audience.
With more quality in the women's voices, "Irwin's Big Show" would be a big show in fact. As it Is, the show is two-thirds good.
Variety 13:7(01/23/1909)