William Stuart and Co.

Comic dialogue.
Slangy. Talky. Man. Two women. Male part of sketch police desk officer. First woman to appear, young, dresses to represent girl of the lower masses, backing it up with slang. Girl has a sick dad. She wants to help him and incidentally keep the wolf away from the door during the cost of high living. Applies for the job of matron at the station. Finally gets it. Old. woman is her first case. Girl says Green River knocked the o. 1. into the cooler. (The advertising for G. R. tomes a little late, but may help.) Woman says she has a son named Frankie; does not want him to hear of her disgrace. Girl's heart wobbles, fluctuation of goodness resulting in girl letting o. 1. exit by side door to supposed liberty. Police officer returns. Upbraids girl. Latter gets ready to vamoos when 0. 1. returns unexpectedly. Consernation! If the old woman isn't the police officer's mother. Little action. Slangy section carried it to attention. Mildly diverting it without running provokingly loquacious. Small timers and the pops will not mind this skit by way of sandwiching some sort of change into a bill overrun with singing acts.
Variety, 54:3 (03/14/1919)