Jimmie Lucas and Julius Lenzberg

Singing and comedy.
Jimmie Lucas had some tough spot, next to closing, following the two-act with their songs and comedy, but he went manfully to it and won out. The enchanted rose brought laughs, with Julies Lenzberg doing a good straight during it. The nut stuff of Mr. Lucas slowly forged ahead, and at the finish the old vet in a box cinched it. But doesn't Mr. Lucas think he could secure a great deal more out of it if keeping the old vet from singing? It's a fine piece of plant work up to the moment the house learns or secures a suspicion the vet is a plant. Then it dies away and means nothing more than the applause given any plant for a song. A bit of more talk with a laughing gag to close the turn when the vet is uncovered, would do more for Mr. Lucas' finish than the present system, even though he had a better song for the vet to sing than now.
Variety, 53:12 (02/14/1919)