Comic monologue and song.
At first George Banks gave the idea he had been a sort of club entertainer who decided to chance the stage. But it is said that he is just out of several seasons in burlesque. Opening with a comedy song he advised the house to stick around for "we might get some laughs." But Mr. Banks was in such a hurry to free himself of his monolog that, had the audience been inclined to giggle, it was given no chance. Several times he might have won returns had he waited. Some of his material is very familiar and he should try to dig out those gags for more original stuff. He closed with a number which took him into a dance throughout, when he told stories. This portion should be worked up. It was encored. By moderating the speed of his talk Banks will quickly find out where the weak spots are.
Variety, 53:12 (02/14/1919)