Nat Haines

‘Man Who Makes Long Stories Short.’ 14 min. in 1. Works blackface soldier make-up. This man is of the rapid-fire order of entertainers, one objection being that he talks so rapidly that his meaning is not always perfectly understood. His chief trouble is the number of vulgarisms he allows to slip in, which will have to be cut out. The laughter was constant, however, some of it uproarous [sic] that he was compelled to wait until there was quiet before he could continue. This man is a real genius in his way, and very valuable for such a place on the bill if he will only keep within the bounds of propriety. He finished with immense applause, and received two curtain calls.
University of Iowa, Keith-Albee Vaudeville Collection, Manager Reports, 4 September 1905-23 April 1906