Mr. Edwards Davis & Co

In the one-act—two-scene tragedy: “The Unmasking.” 4 men and 2 women. The company is excellent. The idea is that two men love the same woman. They are to play at a benefit performance of Richard III. The scene opens in the Green Room of a London Theatre. The second scene is the stage during the performance. The rejected suitor makes the battle-scene a duel for life, which gives the sketch its title. Mr. Davis has personality with good delivery and is very clever. Personally, I think the act is as strong as any dramatic number we ever had. The critics pronounced it A1. Mr Davis was compelled to respond to five curtain calls. 25 min- full stage.
University of Iowa, Keith-Albee Vaudeville Collection, Manager Reports, 30 April 1906 – 4 February 1907