Clayton White & Marie Stuart & Co.

Consisting of Mr. White, Miss Stuart, and one other lady, in an act which he calls ‘Paris.’ It is in effect, a sort of sequel to the old act of ‘Dicky,’ the characters being the same with the exception that for his tough representation Mr. White instead of giving the imitation of athlete shows his conception of a rough ward politician, and it is needless to say that it is an awfully funny bit of work. The audience fairly screamed every moment he was on. His makeup was vey funny and there is probably no man in this country better able to impersonate this sort of a character than he is. The act also gave Miss Stuart an opportunity to introduce her specialties, and I consider it at least equal to the old one in every way so far as laughs are concerned. 31 minutes, full stage.
University of Iowa, Keith-Albee Vaudeville Collection, Manager Reports, 21 September 1903-14 March 1904