Allison’s Players

CDF, 25 min. Another novelty here and really in trial here to-day. We billed it as a one act musical comedy, and while it is fashioned after many of the musical comedies that drop of at this town, it did not arouse the interest we expected. The company consists of four pretty, clever and flip girls. Their flipness is traceable no doubt to previous appearances with burlesque companies and in burlesque houses where this sort of stuff is approved. The four girls sing well, dance well and of good appearances, will be valuable in work of this sort in a very short time, that is when a little of the flipness has disappeared. The one male member Chas. DeLaud, proved himself at a loss today – with an unctuous comedian playing his role, the act would have been considerable more successful. The act closed to very fair applause and I would say that with a little more practice, it will be classed as a good act. 2 shows.
University of Iowa, Keith-Albee Vaudeville Collection, Manager Reports, 21 September 1903-14 March 1904