Sergeant Jimmy Dixon

Italian characterization and comic dialogue.
Sergeant Jimmy Dixon was at Camp Upton where he entertained. A card said he had made 3,000,000 soldiers laugh. No doubt about it if the three million were there. He will make any soldier laugh, but it's not so easy for him before an audience composed of civilians. As a "wop" Sergeant Dixon does very well. His monolog is confined wholly to camp life and there is much of the humor of that civilians do not get. Just now with a percentage of service men always in audience he will do quite well. A tall, well-built fellow of pleasant personality, getting talk over seems easy for him, and his Italian dialect is an attraction. For big time, however, Sergeant Dixon should be able to make it. He might secure a male partner, doing a double act, with the other half a straight man. It would make his comedy more effective. If remaining on small time the talk should be padded out for another two or three minutes. Sergeant Dixon appears in a khaki uniform containing no insignia of the military establishment he was with or his rank.
Variety, 53:10 (01/31/1919)