Singing and comedy dialogue.
"Booze" and "Oui Oui Marie."
Two young men who haven't as yet worked out a proper routine. They seem to be able enough in some departments but the act sags in the middle. By eliminating some of the alleged comedy talk, too much of which is not original, they should go ahead faster and get better returns. They open with a song number which leads them into a dance, finished by one member. The other follows with a recitation called "Booze," which he said was an imitation of someone. The verse is all right, but has no particular value in this act. Had it been announced as having been dedicated to the Anti-Saloon League it might have gotten one laugh anyhow, at least in this section of the country. Toward the finish the act strengthened, the Harmons getting back to songs. With "Oui Oui Marie" and a duet dance they got something on second. The boys can work up the dancing end of the turn.
Variety, 53:8 (01/24/1919)