The duo are assisted by Otto T. Johnsone, who is made up as Rufus Ambro Lee. Johnsone does not say a word during the entire sketch.
"Waiting at the Church" is by Henry Vernon. Jim McIntyre was all "dolled up as a negro wench in the regulation white wedding togs." He invades Parson Jones' (Tom Heath) study for the express purpose of being hitched up for life with R. A. Lee. The sketch is centered on the conversation between Parson and Venus Love (McIntyre). Venus submits documentary evidence to the preacher showing why Rufus should marry her. During the wait at the church, she makes the latter stand around when she flashes a razor.
Heath, as the colored minister, has good make-up and enacts the role with dignity, although getting all the comedy possible out of it. He is a capital feeder for McIntyre's rapid jests. There are quite a few good lines, but at times the comedy lacks. While the sketch is not as funny as some of the others produced by blackfaced comedians, it varies the run of their pieces and has sufficient humor. Johnsone plays his part capitally.
Variety 24:12 (11/25/1911)