Jos. Hart’s Co.

The playlet was shown in New York as a portion of the "Follies" throughout the summer, and previously was a Lambs Gambol hit.
"Everywife" is a tabloid version of "Everywoman," the only part that could be constructed as a travesty is the substitution of a black-faced comedian for the cowl-clad Nobody. "Everywoman" is about the life of the average woman while "Everywife" is about the average woman during her period of wifehood.
The holiday audience Monday afternoon was unsure of the sketch. They were not certain whether to regard it as a serious moral lesson or an out-and-out burlesque. At times they laughed in all the wrong spots and squirmed about their seats as if they were floundering mentally.
Geo. V. Hobart's "Everywife" will either be a phenomenal hit or will not do at all.
Variety 24:1 (09/09/1911)