Keno Welch and Montrose

3 men, comedy acrobatic and tumbling act. Montrose, the new man, has improved the act considerably in the department of tumbling but the formation of the bridge is not nearly so secure as with Melrose; Montrose has not that part of the act down pat as yet. Did 18 minutes and had them laughing all the while they were one.

James Thornton

Jim looked like a relic of a hark week when he walked in this morning, and his act showed the effect of his dissipation; he handed us 12 minutes of pretty good stuff, but his voice was in pretty bad shape. Bonnie is here and guaranteed to straighten him out for the rest of the week, but this is dubious.

Rice Family

S.R. 3 – act is worth that and a little bit more; consists of two very young girls and a boy – violinists – make a hit with the feminine portion of the audience particularly; the girls are winsome little things, and while their playing may not be up to symphony qualities, it serves all vaudeville purposes. C.D. Fancy. Could close in but do not need it here. Would advise booking this act in any house where children are permitted to play upon the stage.

Tanner and Gilbert

Young man and woman; rube kid and soubrette; specialty sketch in which both sing fairly well from a vaudeville standpoint; Tanner’s comedy a little bit shy, but he landed all right with this audience; good three a day; full stage; landscape, cottage, etc; close in 1.


Young man and woman; singing, dancing and banjo playing; both have youth, rather neat in their dress, fairly good vaudeville voices, and do their work in a convincing manner; seem to please this audience very well. Garden in 2, close in one. A.R. 3 shows.

Loney Haskel

Quite difficult for him to arouse the audience following Daly and Devere, but later on demonstrated his right to his position on the programme. Nevertheless, some of his stuff was of a three a day sort, and his manner at times was anything but winning; would give one the idea that he was above the heads of the audience. 18 min. street 1.

Tony Wilson and Wife

The wife in this case is Mlle. Heloise who appeared earlier in the afternoon. They do a double horizontal bar act which introduces the bounding net. They are both excellent bar per formers [sic]. Wilson, I believe, being the originator of this rubber net business. The woman is fully as good as her husband and does about as good an act on the bars as she does on the trapeze. It is a first class turn. 10 minutes, full stage.

Charlie Case

Black face comedian. Charlie had a very hard place on the bill, following everybody else, but, as usual, his peculiar methods reached the audience at once and he created lots of laughter and received lots of applause. 12 minutes in one.

Cressy and Dayne

These people have introduced another new act this visit entitled “The New Depot,” and it is at least on par with if not better than any of his former efforts. He is certainly the peer of all sketch writers and can always be relied upon the please the audience with any act that he may produce. 25 minutes, full stage.

Jessie Couthoui

Miss Couthoui has a new act this trip in which she introduces something more on the order of a soliquy [sic] than a monologue. She introduces her imitations as usual, in which she was always artistic, and closes with a bit of pathos which, while not especially convincing, nevertheless seemed to strike the audience this afternoon as very good. It is not a big act by any means, but I do not think that she is quite so coarse as she has been in some of her former efforts. 19 minutes, full stage.