Will Clarke and Company

“there is action to out action vaudeville” but “legitimate comedy” not slapstick. Skit about a man who suspects his friend is impersonating his stepmother to play a trick on him. He “commits assault and battery upon the real step mother under the impression that she is a masquerader”

Fiske and McDonough

Fiske plays a “tough”; Miss McDonough is “horribly affected as the society matron”; she is “entirely off-key”

Mr and Mrs Jimmie Barry

a would-be wise country youth who knows all the actresses through reading the Police Gazette

Nan Engleton & Co.

A young widow is pursued by a masher who says that unless she receives him within a half-hour he will break into her apartment. She has another admirer, a youthful Colonel, who has a “rum blossom” on the end of his nose and who has taken up riding as it is advertised as a cure. He is in pain due to sore feet from his riding boots and she thinks he is intoxicated. When she leaves the stage he takes off his boots. She enters, sees the boots and thinks her stalker has come. The Colonel locks her safely in another room, pretends to slay the intruder and “so wins the widow”

Fred Hallen and Molly Fuller

set at the beach in Atlantic City. Miss Fuller (playing Rose Tracey) checks into a hotel. She wants to have a swim but is worried about a young man who has “made eyes” at her. She decides to go to the beach with a dummy placed in a chair and wheeled to the beach who she says is her father. Hallen (playing an author, Reddy Merrick) follows her to the beach and starts talking to the dummy. Fuller appears in a bathing suit (“Molly Fuller in tights! It is a sight, and a pleasant one”. Hallen sends the dummy back to the hotel and takes its place. Fuller confesses her love of the author Merrick. As the curtain falls, they are “entwined after a thirty minute acquaintance”