Glen and Jenkins
Blackface makeup, comic dancing and costumes.
Zeno and Mandel
Furniture store stage drop.
Van and Pearce
Miss Van wears two costumes, opening in white and changing to blue. Both are natty and well selected. Pearce dresses plain and looks good.
Emma Carus
Harry Hines
Lew Madden and Co.
Edward Marshall
Marshall, the chalkologist was an undeniable
hit. The Wilson aadience liked him immensely and when he put on the speed in the southpaw maneuvers with the pastel and drew a splendid likeness of the famous George Washington, that put Eddie in solid for the remainder of the week.
Inness and Ryan
Maud Ryan (sometimes called Maudlin) made eight or nine changes, introducing some Parisian outfits that look like a months salary on the “big time.”
Keno and Green
On stepping this pair sails along
nicely and they have a new closing number – a la Hawaiian – that gives them opportunity.