Maglin, Eddy and Roy

The act is ten minutes long. All three men wear white makeup. The act is comedy acrobatic where the comedy is given preference. Two do comedy while the third acts as “straight.”

Savage and De Crotean

The act was thirteen minutes long. The woman wears short dresses throughout the act. The man wears German makeup and plays the piano. He does an Eddie Leonard imitation.

Bovis and Darley

The act was eleven minutes long. The female member talks and sings. She appeared in girlish attire for her last number. The man has a laughing song. They have dialogue about women’s rights.

George Armstrong

George Armstrong walks to center stage and begins to tell several parodies, one after the other.

Lambert and Van

The act was sixteen minutes long. Two men opened with a song, followed by crossfire talk consisting of old-fashioned comebacks. The straight does a solo ballad and dance and then the comedian performs a few parodies. They finish with a coon duet.

Bernard and Burkhardt

The act was sixteen minutes long. Mike Bernard was formerly the concert master of Tony Pastor and has an act with a new partner. He plays two numbers on the piano. One is a “spirited artillery engagement on the bass keys.” The other is a Paderewski piece. Burkhardt sings three dialect numbers.

Bernard and Roberts

The act was twenty minutes long. Roberts is the well-dressed straight to Bernard’s comedic “cabman” character. The act opens on a bare stage, as Roberts argues with the orchestra leader. Bernard then comes through the audience pretending to be an angry cab driver waiting outside the theatre for his fare. The duo then goes into their songs and talk. Bernard’s character is an amalgam of those created by Dave Morton and Al Fields.

Johnny Stanley and Fan Bourke

The act was twelve minutes long. Stanley and Bourke perform an act written by Tommy Gray for himself and Bourke. The team sings and “talks” and pretends to be fired by the management.