Yankee Doodle Girls

In an Irish number sung by Lily Sidonia, with the chorus in green knickerbockers and top hats, the liveliest youngster in the crowd allows her long braid of hair to fall down her back, while another has a pretty curl hanging over the shoulder, spoiling the good-looking “boys” they were intended for.
Miss King accentuates her brunette type overmuch, perhaps unknowingly, and wears a pretty costume at the close. She sings two numbers, as does Miss Matthews, who has a nice, but not strong, voice. Franklyn Batie is the singer in the organization. All his numbers have catchy melodies, but in illustrated songs during the olio, Mr. Batie clings to one music publisher, which is suspicious, although the first song is well suited to his voice, which with proper cultivation, would have attracted attention anywhere.
A commendable point in either the chorus or manager's favor is that the girls do not make-up with the aid of a whitewashing brush for the rouge. It is the first burlesque bunch of choristers seen this season wose faces on the stage bear a resemblance to civilization, even under the spotlight.
Miss Sidonia plays an Irish character part, and seems a strickler for following the manuscript. Upon exiting at one time, she says, "Wait for me, my dear," and although nearly in the wings at the "my dear," it is audible.Mr, Greene places an impromptu line in the burlesque when he and Billy Pearl are devouring perishable "props" after the manner of McIntyre and Heath. Greene then says "This is the best part of the show," but neglects to inform the audience what he is eating. Marion and Pearl open with talk and singing, afterwords giving acrobatics and high-kicking. .
It is a clean show if the expectoration of water by Mr. Pearl in the burlesque may be excused. It should not be, but dropped instead, and the lyrics in the song of Marlon and Pearl, which related to the President, his daughter, and Mr. Longworth. They are very broad. While the changes are not overfrequent, they occur as often as the different singing numbers, and the girls look well in all the clothes worn. .
Variety 3:5 (03/30/1907)