Wood, Melville and Phillips

Singing and comic dialogue.
Some time since an act unknown swooped down upon Harlem and carried away such a tremendous hit as did this new trio (two young men and a girl) Monday night. This act is headed for the big time, although it will stand rearrangement in routine, dropping of some of the talk and a stronger song section inserted. The talent is there and with the right hand of agentship the trio will climb immediately. One of the boys, working straight has a bully voice, of high range and brimming over with music. The girls sings fairly well and does an acrobatic dance with pep. The other boy, slender of build, and using his frail physique to advantage, goes in for comedy and when he gets the right stride will help the act reach its proper niche. The trio has everything in its favor.
Variety, 40:3 (09/17/1915)