Washington Society Girls

Mamie Champion is the one feminine principal as Miss Champion’s dressing doesn’t even include silk stockings, her wardrobe speaks for itself.
The show is based on an old time burlesque show, with "Mexico" the only number worth mentioning. A couple of others were led by chorus girls who got nothing out of them. The comedians are Harry Marks Stewart,rather a good Hebrew, Larry Smith, a Dutchman and James Hazelton, working "straight."
The audience was only about fifty people, however, the empty house doesn't let the show out, for it is anything but a good performance. Throughout the performance there is a strain of hidden meanings and double entendres often done though not offensively.
The show gives the impression of an old time burlesque show, not of the better sort. Another noticeable deficiency is the lack of women principals. "The Washington Society Girls" does not compare well with the better grade of burlesque attractions.
Variety 17:4 (01/01/1910)