“The Follies of the Day”

Seeing a show at the Bon Ton, Jersey City, is not viewing it in the most advantageous surroundings. The house only boasts five musicians for and orchestra, making it nearly impossible to get any music.
Sixteen girls figure in the chorus work. Two are used at different times to fill in as soubrets while two more are given individual work in helping out Gertrude Hayes in some of her numbers. Miss Hayes does her "Brick Top" speciality, taking up about 15 minutes. Four girls are now used to back her up. Sam Hearn and Will J. McIntyre look after the comedy. The others include John Grieves, playing the old man, G. Wilbur Levering, the "straight," and Miss Louie Dacre.
The house did not seem to warm up to Miss Hayes' "Brick Top" number. They even ignored the best bit in it, "Mysterious Rag." The audience takes the players so seriously that it kills any chance for humor.
In some houses the show would be considered good, while in others poor. From a production standpoint there is little so comment on favorably. The show does not look new, this is not to say that the accessories are poor looking. The numbers are arranged rather peculiarly. The first part, a rather comic opera thing, runs smoothly. However, later on Gertrude jumps into the audience, parades about the aisle, and returns to invite boys up on stage to waltz with the girls. It seems a pretty poor manner of seeking approval, and it is one of those things that tends to make the audience rough. There are no numbers to speak of, aside for a few specialities. The chorus girls remain on stage for the entire act, wearing the same gowns and doing nothing. The comedy is ordinary. It is of no fault of Hearn and McIntyre, but just because what they are called upon to do is not funny. The real weakness of "The Follies" lies in the female end. Miss Hayes is the only real woman principal. While she is good, neither she, not any other woman, is able to carry an entire burlesque show.
Variety 24:1 (09/09/1911)