Just Kids

Mr. Rawson and Miss Clare look the children to the life, and Miss Clare makes an exceptionally pretty girl, a trifle too old in appearance through the dress worn.
This tops off a few moments of pathos with a laugh and for a finale “Sweethearts,” an ideal “kid” song, is repeated.
Two children are seated upon a bench; they talk, ask questions and tell jokes. The girl tells the boy his father is a drunkard, which he admits, but denies that she knows of her own personal knowledge, when the girl informs him she saw his father pass a saloon.
Although too quiet and offering for burlesque, as olio acts generally run, “Just Kids” made a distinct hit. The naturalness of the players and the infantile atmosphere surrounding them make an appeal to the heartstrings. The act has been well put together. With a suitable offering Rawson and Clare would fill a very large vacancy in the “kid” department which exists at present in the other variety branch.
Variety 2:2 (02/09/1907)