Johnny Gorman and Co.

"In College Town," is set in a college den in the back of a drug store. A football hero has failed his examinations and is working nights for a druggist. The first ten minutes are given over to college talk before the real story begins. The hero gives a little girl the wrong medicine. He does not realize his mistake until she has left. A dramatic scene ensues, but then the little girl returns crying as she has broken the bottle. The lyrics are by Lewis D. Garvey and the music by George Finkelstone.
If this act is successful it will be because of the rah rah spirit rather than the story. There are some good college songs. Johnny Gorman plays the hero capably while the others have very little to do. If whipped into shape, the act should make a good feature offering on the big small time.
Variety 24:4 (09/30/1911)