Fred Humes and Eva Lewis

Eva Lewis is wearing a pretty knickerbocker suit for the finish, and She is a pretty girl.
The "apple sauce" joke should receive its notice; also the expectoration in the encore; this is always nasty, but the entire encore for that matter isn't worth the effort.
Miss Lewis ought to make up her mind that her hat is not so very important, then she and Mr. Humes might come to an understanding as to whether they could not help the act by playing as "kids." Both have the proper build, and with Miss Lewis hair hanging down, she ought to make a cute girl. Hr. Humes would not then need so much paint around his eyes. He is now too grotesquely made up. The "kid" idea should be tried out anyway. The white dress worn by Miss Lewis at the opening suggested.
Variety 7:4 (07/27/1907)