10 Mins.; One. If she was not nervous then there is little to say excepting that her offering will not do for vaudeville. She does all her material without leaving the stage. Most of the time is taken up with a bride song in which she introduces pictures of her five husbands, delivering a monolog on each one. The pictures are of a comic variety and the material might not be bad if properly done. For a finish she strips a trick dress appearing in Turkish garb for a burlesque dance which, like the rest, seems forced and awkward, rather than funny. It may all have been due to newness and nervousness as before mentioned. In that case Miss Kane should go out and work the sticks not for ten days, but for tan weeks until she gets the points and rids herself of the trying to be funny air which is now there.
Variety, XII: 13, May 20, 1921.