12 Mins.; Full Stage Arthur Hill, formerly of Hill and Sylvia nay, has framed a cycle turn around the old-time high-wheel bike of 30 years ago using that style exclusively in addition to a wooden cart wheel and unicycle for trick stuff. Miss Sanders assists in the comedy end and does a brief bit of riding toward the finish. One of the tricks has Mr. Hill holding Miss Banders on his shoulders while he rides the unicycle. The feature is the holding aloft of Miss Sanders on the palm of Mr. Hill’s hand, he at the same time riding the high bike.


14 Mins. ‘The Girl No Man Can Lift’, says the program, with “the 17- year-old prodigy” also in the billing… This Resista is a slight blonde girl, not looking older than proclaimed. A woman announcer, somewhat stout, is busy and brusque. She first speaks from the stage, then brings forth Resista and follows her into an orchestra aisle where anyone is invited to attempt to lift her from the floor. A couple unsuccessfully try. The women return to the stage with the announcer inviting a “committee” from the orchestra. Four or five men respond. A series of lifts are gone through, none succeeding in taking the girls feet off the floor.


O. H. Bob La Salle was half of the Krantz and La Salle act, and is using a male pianist in his “single” offering. The new turn resembles the double, with the pianist singing the introductory lyrics leading up to La Salle’s dancing finish. The finish Is the dancing Imitations, each introduced by the pianist in the same lyrics as in the double turn.


Red-nosed eccentric corned inn and straight in a corking routine of horizontal bar stunts. Straight features a double bade somersault from bar to landing (—-) with comics’ best a jump from bar to bar on top. The letter’s efforts at pantomime comedy don’t help the act an iota.


Full Stage (Curtains). A Spanish dancer who be more dependent upon than either or all of the three dances she did, with a piano player in the orchestra. The dances did not strike, but the Spanish girl is of pleasant appearance and, of course, a brunet. She is reported to have tried out other turns around New York, with no better success than this one will likely meet with.


15 Min., Full Stage (Special). The appearance will probably assist to a great extent. There is nothing lavish. Miss Hanbury, the singer, has for accompanists two girls (Claire Rivers and Enid Alexander), both of pleasant looks, taking their turn at soloing upon a piano and violin, thence combining for singing. In the Intermediate houses the set should prove acceptable if kept down to the stated running time. Anything beyond that might be tedious.


18 Mins.; Full Stage (Special). The method employed by Richard loan to introduce Impersonations of celebrated actors bears a strong resemblance to that used by Thomas B. Shea in a similar type of act. A man seated at a table takes up a photograph of Richard Mansfield at the opening of the Kean act and speaks a few lines, recalling Richard Mansfield’s portrayal of “Shylock” in “The Merchant of Venice.” Mr. Kean is on following (—–) as, “Shylock” and delivering a speech from “The Merchant.” An Impersonation of John Barrymore playing the dual characters of “Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde” is next, following the “co” again picking up another photo and mentioning Mr. Barrymore.


Regulation posing turn. Nihla, well formed young woman wearing pink silk union suit, stands on pedestal in front of white screen, while male assistant in balcony focuses series of colored slides on her with stereopticon. Slides elude usual flower or, butterfly, winter landscape effects and reproductions of well known paintings, with couple of “kind applause” patriotic subjects for finish.


14 Min., One. Possibly a new combination at present depending upon the soloing of a duo of ballads delivered by the “straight.”‘ Both are men. In sack suits the comic, who also whistles, is minus anything to concentrate upon except the Hebrew dialect employed and with the present material both are incapable of upholding the other. The accent is unnecessary, the conversation needs bolstering for comedy and 14 minutes is too much time for the act to run— though the two slow melodies are probably responsible for that.


Two male and two girl singers with cultivated voices; costumed in Arabian attire. The repertoire consists of an ensemble, classical opening, disclosing good harmony, followed by one of the girls soloing “Old Virginia,” another ensemble and an encore.