George Halperin

12 min. in 1. Exceptional pianist and went over very good.

Corradini’s Animals

Pony’s dogs and monkey. Pretty little turn that made a very good closing to a most satisfactory bill. 8 min. full stage.

The Little Cottage

One of the best acts of its kind we have ever played. It is well put on, both as to scenery and costumes. The people are clever and it has none of the atmosphere of burlesque which many of these tabloids we play contain. 35 min. full stage.

Lane & Moran

Two men, one a most eccentric comedian of the nut variety. The act scored very big. 20 min. in one.

Ethel Clifton & Company

Company consisting of one very good woman and a man who was only on for a moment. A very good sketch with seriousness and comedy combined. Well played. 21 min. full stage.

Ed. E. Ford

In an act which is a combination of facial grimaces and recitations. Only fairly good and so accepted by the audiences. 13 min. in one.

The Chandon Trio

One man and two women in an unusual act on the flying rings. Made quite a hit in the opening position. 8 min. full stage.

James Thornton

(19 mins.) The next to closing position and following a long sketch was a big hard for the veteran but he did very well in this spot at the opening show. Changing places with Comfort & Jones gave him a better chance and we went very big.

Laura Pierpont in “The Guiding Star”

(24 mins.) A very good comedy drama sketch and unusually well played. Miss Pierpont, formerly supporting Taylor Granville, proved herself a distinctly capable actress in four different “types”. She is very well supported and the act is a big hit.