Joe Boganny’s Troupe of Lunatic Bakers

Joe Boganny’s Troupe of Lunatic Bakers have about the fastest and most entertaining acrobatic act the varieties can boast of. There isn’t a quiet moment from start to finish. Boganny himself handles his two hundred odd pounds in a manner that is nothing short of wonderful.

The Stagpooles

The comedy would be doubly effective if worked in pantomime. A fast finish is secured through a chase and diving through the windows and walls of a house.


One of the best items of the new material is the use of a funny burlesque on George McManus “Newlyweds,” a cartoon series running in a New York evening paper. Mrs. Newlywed and the baby, “Napoleon,” appear, the mother being a rather nice-looking girl with a curious and not altogether agreeable method of enunciation, and the baby being of course a “dummy.”