The Basque Quartet

One of the best singing acts of the reason, and a hit from the first note. Singing all in French, and all operatic selection. A rich treat for our box patrons, and it also holds the closest attention of the gallery and balcony. 12 min. in one.

Matthews & Ashley

These boys had a hard time getting things to coming right but finally did. The ‘dope’ character is one that the people here are not especially familiar with and I am certain that many failed to appreciate the effort on this account. Finally the boys got things coming right and they finished fairly strong but not to the extent I hoped they would. 20 minutes in one.

Marcels Art Studies

Really wonderful act and one that had me puzzled for a while to figure out just what the audience thought of it. They seemed to like the pictures but do not make any particular demonstration over them. Whether they were too surprised to make themselves heard or whether they did not care so much for the act was a question until near the end when they warmed up and seemed to catch the spirit of the offering. This is certainly a beautiful act and it should create lots of comment and draw.

Leon Rogee

Imitates musical instruments then finishes with some whistling. The early part of the act just got by but his whistle work pulled him out nicely and he got away much stronger that I thought he would early in his work. 10 minutes Olio.

Blonde Typewriters

(Gus. Edwards’) with Johnnie Stanley: 20 min, F.S. close in 1. 2 shows. On at 9:06. This act has been much improved since it was here last summer. It works smoother, and Johnny Stanley infuses a lot of original fun into it. The girls sing and dance well making pretty picture. More than that, the publisher’s advertising is not so eternally obvious. The finish of the act, where the girls’ faces are seen through the portholes of a steam yacht, got a big hand, followed by two curtain calls.

Caron & Herbert

Comedy acro; 12 min, F.S. close in 1. On at 8:14, 2 shows. This is a good act. The athletic part is expert, but the comedy is particularly pleasing to the gallery. The finish where the comedian pretends to jump into the sea-scape curtain pulling it down, disclosing the stage hands behind it, got a big laugh. The work in one with the syphon bottle was also amusing even if hackneyed.

Electric Crickets

This act has deteriorated decidedly since last season. The principal female vocalists, by no means, compares with the lady who held that position last year; the scenery shows sings of wear, and altogether it is very much passé. It was far from a hit here last season, and little better than a failure this. It provieally should not have been booked for a return date. At the price it means great loss of money, because we could have put an act in, at a less figure, that would have given much better satisfaction and drawn more money. 18 min. Full Stage, 2 shows.

Clement DeLion

Billiard Ball expert. This man does some of the most wonderful palming I have ever seen. It isn’t the kind of act to get tremendous applause, but I am sure it is one that pleases and will, no doubt, attract people to see it. 14 min. open full stage, close in 1, 2 shows.

Bowers, Walters & Crooker

‘The Three Rubes.’ Well-known which held this place most satisfactorily. In order to accommodate me they opened in one for a few moments, going to two and finally we had a clear stage, did their full stage work and closed in one, in order to make the next set, giving us thereby almost the benefit of an act in one. Where sets are not too heavy, they can easily do this and they can hold the spot. 14 min, 2 shows.

Carrie DeMar

Miss Carrie DeMar final song, ‘Lonesome Flossie’ is a very artistic piece of work that scored for her a big hit. The one just previous to it, ‘Amateur Night’ is good. If she depended upon the first two, she would be worth about fifty dollars a week. As it is, to my mind, she is easily doubly paid, for from no standpoint can I possibly see how she make good for, or draw in HRR. 20 min. in 1, 2 shows.