Griff has a method that is all his own.
The act is built along travesty lines,
Griff doing a series of burlesque feats. It
is his delightful patter that really makes
the act. For subtlety, keeness and swift
humor the Englishman stands well toward
the top of the list of imported
The opening of Miss Raymond’s
offering is very, very tame, consisting
of rather inane and pointless talk.
one of the
brightest, swiftest acrobatic numbers that
has appeared this season. Seven men are
concerned in an amazingly varied routine
of “Risley” work, with three doing pedal
work simultaneously. The succession of new feats at this point
is almost too rapid to be properly followed.
one of the
brightest, swiftest acrobatic numbers that
has appeared this season. Seven men are
concerned in an amazingly varied routine
of “Risley” work, with three doing pedal
work simultaneously. The succession of new feats at this point
is almost too rapid to be properly followed.
Binns, Binns and Binns won the laughs
at the opening after the intermission.
Their “prop” comedy got through and the
various musical combinations were pleasing.