F.S. Special. Time 18. 8 girls and Catherine Bunn, prima donna. William Cripps, the hero, comedian and whatever is necessary. Girls are fair lookers. Miss Bunn has beautiful voice. Scenery has seen better days. The act, however, runs with a lot of snap and ginger, and the costume (many changes) are pretty. People liked it. The novelty is [sic] a dainty system of electric lights.
(Edith Conrad and Edmund Gorman.) C.D.F. Time 28. Close in 1. This is a slap stick, knockabout act with Simms tumbling about the stage most of the time. But in general it is funny and had the audience screaming most of the time. There are some spots when in gets pretty raw.
This was the one bright spot in the whole show. Miss Tanguay certainly made good. She got a tremendous amount of applause, there is lots of talk about her, and she will draw us what money we get this week, in spite of the fact she went into a terrible tantrum about her music after yesterday’s performance, but last night she seemed quite appeased and said we were the nicest people ever. 18 min. in 1, 2 shows.
Illustrated songs. Miss Taylor has a very pleasing personality and dresses in exceedingly good taste. Their songs are good and illustrations, the best we have ever had in the theatre. In houses where illustrated songs are appreciated, this act should go very well. 12 min. in 1, 2 shows.
Man does shadowgraphs, little crayon drawing and a little magic. Makes a very acceptable 3-a-day turn and at the price is decidedly worth playing in the continuous houses. Changing his act around a little bit could close in one. At present 15 min. Full stage, 3 shows.
3 men, 7 women. Time 32. Open in 4 special school room set. Close in 1. Wilbur enters the class room of a female seminary and disguising himself as a girl, becomes a pupil. His comedy, while clean, is very much a la burlesque house and he yells it out at the top of his lungs. But most of the audience appeared to like it. The singing of the girl quartette is artistic and much appreciated. Too long.
F.S. Special. Time 18. 8 girls and Catherine Bunn, prima donna. Willian Cripps, the hero, comedian and whatever else is necessary. Girls are fair lookers. Miss Bunn has beautiful voice. Scenery has seen better days. The act, however, runs with a lot of snap and ginger, and the costume (many changes) are pretty. People liked it. The novelty is a dainty system of electric lights.
Presenting her one-set playlet ‘A Bowery Camille.’ Pleased to say this is the one redeeming feature of the show. She certainly saved the show this afternoon. Rather dramatic and carries a vein of humor which secures a great many laughs. She was very well supported, easily the applause hit of the show and secured five genuine curtain calls. 28 minutes FULL STAGE.
Presenting ‘The Coster Concert.’ Opened in one with a Coster song which did not appeal to the audience. His next scene in Two received quite a number of laughs on account of the general make-up, sizes and mannerisms of the company. The next scene, full stage, of the Public House consists of coster singing and dancing which the audience did not take seriously and I presume they were greatly relived when the curtain dropped. 28 minutes, open in ONE about 4 minutes change to TWO and FULL STAGE.
On at 2:24, 14 min, in 1. These two coon comedians are big favourites in the house, particularly Robinson, whom I consider one of the finniest niggers in shows business. They can hold any spot that we ever hand them, in fact I think the further down the bill they are the better they go.