Eight women. Scene first:-“The Officer’s Quarters,” showing the girls as soldiers, singing, marching, etc. Scene 2;-“ the Purple Palace”, with the grenadiers juggling batons, singing, etc. Scene 3;-“Art Nouveau-Les Cymbals”, with the girls singing and playing the cymbals. Finale;-“The Musician Directeurs Excentrique.” Between the various setting Mlle. Flor D’Allias and Miss Meredith Meredro singing alternately. Act is handsomely staged. The costumes are gorgeous with all elegant scenery. Girls make five changes. Their appearances are elegant and their voices good. Act has an atmosphere of novelty to it. Brings up the tone of the bill being so far from anything else we ever had. All of the various characters were applauded and with big applause on the finish. 27 min
2 men and 3 boys. Acrobats and Equilibrists. They use their own embroidered drop, not quite as handsome as the one used by the Kitamura’s. Act consists of acrobatic equilibristio work. Their boys proved popular from the start-off. Their work is excellent. Applause hit for the show up to this time.
Act consists of Bears, Monkeys, Dogs, and a trained Ant-Eater. Animals are very well trained and do some stunts, which are far from the ordinary, especially that of the ant-eater riding the globe; the monkey’s jump from the top of the proscieum arch; the bear playing the banjo, waltzing, etc. Big applause on the finish. 14 min.-full stage
Well-known colored act, ten people. The only fault I have to find with this act is the dressing of the two principals, who evidently want to make the fact stand out that they are “principals”, and for that reason want to wear white people’s clothes. This to my mind detracts considerably from the act. They opened very quietly, but not badly, but their finish was a terrific hurricane, giving them several curtain calls. A very good act. 18 min. full stage, 2 shows.
While we have played this act here before, I don’t remember when it went as big as it did today, in fact I think it is better than it ever was. The Sea Lions are really wonderful and do a lot of stuff that a good many jugglers have hard work in doing. 20 minutes in full stage.
Presenting the European Mystery, “Menetekel” or the “Mystic Ball”. This is one of the cleverest mystic acts we have had. They carry a large board suspended on two ropes which is covered in seven or eight sheets of white paper. The lady picks a colored ball from the table and places it upon the board, and at her command it will write any word that is suggested from the audience. This act is worked in full stage with all lights on and they turn the blackboard all the way around, so that you can see that there is no connection with it whatever. A very good act. 12 minutes.
European Comedy Musical Offering. Man and woman in grotesque makeup, playing on several novelty instruments which goes fairly well. The best comedy of the act is the electrical effects which he has in his makeups. Good enough for an opening act. Full stage. 10 minutes. Close in one. 2 minutes.
“The Two Hundred Wives”:- 25min. F.S. 2 shows. On at 8:32. This is a comedy sketch which is rather incoherent, but gives an opportunity for both Hyams and McIntyre to do a good many of their specialties in song-and-dance line. Each makes a change of costume, the last being a funny Dutch dress. Miss McIntyre is a very dainty little comedienne, and her child imitations got a big hand. The act could hold a good place, but was by no means a headline knockout. Good close with one curtain call.
Aerial artist:- 10min. F.S. 2 shows. On at 8:02. This is one of the most fetching aerial acts in Vaudeville. This woman is not only beautiful, graceful and artistic, but physically she is nothing short of a marvel. The trapeze work got constant applause, and the work on a single rope was new and matchless for skill. Closed with a brilliant hand. Altogether a winner with all parts of the house.
12 min. F.S. 3 shows. On at 7:28. This is a characteristic Japanese juggling act, prettily dressed and quite expert, both in juggling and balancing. The work of the woman on the table, balancing barrels, Jap umbrella, etc., on her feet was especially applauded. Altogether a very showy act. Have two children in their act, but owing to the trouble with the local Society last time they played here, they were not allowed to go on.