Ventriloquist. Gave a very acceptable performance and got along very nicely all the way through. Finished moderately strong. Open in 1, C.D.F., close in 1. 24 minutes.
18 min. Ventriloquist. Opening in full stage and closing in one. Notwithstanding a plethora of ventriloquists this season, Mr. Vernon achieved his customary hit. His act is somewhat stereotyped but gets by nicely.
This is a good ventriloquial act, but not strong enough for the spot I had them slated for—second to last. He doesn’t by any means compare with Lester. The novelty of presentation is the best part of his act. 18 Min. F.S. Close in one.
Vocalist and ventriloquist. This lady is quite good. Makes a neat appearance, pleasing particularly with her singing. With some better matter for her ventriloquial work she would be really valuable. A very good number two act for any house as it is.
English ventriloquist, who scored his usual success. 23 Min, F.S.
21 min. F.S. This man’s act has improved since last appearance here. Edwards makes a good appearance in English hunting costume, and with a good stage setting and well-handled newsboy manikin, manages to hold all parts of the house. His work with the manikin baby was immense and got a big closing hand.
Time 14. In 1. Her singing voice is very good. Her ventriloquial [sic] work is disappointing both in technique of execution and in entertaining qualities. Her “voice throwing” is indistinct, and her comedy is weak. A good line of brick jokes would improve the act greatly.
Unquestionably the best ventriloquist I ever saw, but he somehow didn’t seem to reach this afternoon’s audience. Not by any means the hit he was here last season. I hope for better things with him when our regulars get around. 27 Min. in One.
Ventriloquist. This fellow is a clever performer and has some very clever ideas and a good way of presenting them, the only trouble with him being that he has to be watched pretty close or he will spring material that should not be used in our house. I cut some of his stuff this afternoon, and I think we have got him trimmed up so that he will be all right for the week. 18 minutes, open full stage, close with about three minutes in one.
15 min. open full stage, close in 1 – Fair ventraloquil comedian, who employs a number of good mechanical figures, which he manages to walk about the stage in quite a life-like manner. He also carries some special scenery which adds to the value of the act. Considering the fact, that he follows so soon after Reynard, he did quite well. He has a dog that makes quite a hit with the female portion of the audience.