Ed F. Reynard

Katherine McConnell has been added to the Reynard act, she doing three dances and a bit of song.

William Ebs

The ventriloquist got applause off this feat of drinking a glass of wine while the dummy was singing a number. When the. final disclosure came the applause was redoubled, the audience evidently liking the manner in which they were fooled.

Schichtler’s Mannikins

Early, three figures dancing kept time in movements as could possible be secured is attained in this act. One is a skeleton.


One of the best items of the new material is the use of a funny burlesque on George McManus “Newlyweds,” a cartoon series running in a New York evening paper. Mrs. Newlywed and the baby, “Napoleon,” appear, the mother being a rather nice-looking girl with a curious and not altogether agreeable method of enunciation, and the baby being of course a “dummy.”