D.J. Harrington

3 shows, 18 min. open full stage, close in 1. This young man is a fairly good ventriloquist and has a better lot of dummies than one would be led to believe from the photographs he sends in advance. He went very nicely, and laughs and applause punctuation his work all through.


GRR 2. The Ventriloquist. Same act he has always done in the house. I believe, without a word of change. He is a pretty good ventriloquist, but rather slow, although his work invariably gives satisfaction. 18 minutes; open full stage, close in one if necessary.

Geo. Hussey

This man’s ventriloquial work is good, his material is very bad, he has secured some of A.O. Duncan’s act with one of Travollo’s figures. Secured a few laughs and just about passes in this place. Twelve minutes, full stage, three shows.

George Hussey

3 shows, 15 minutes. Opens in three, closes in one—a ventriloquil [sic] comedian, but a poor one, his dummies being bad and he himself possesses no “personality.” While his stuff is not objectionable, it is not very interesting, and he cannot be classed as better than an opener.”

Colby & Way

‘The ventriloquist and the Dancing Doll.’ This act is going very well here with us this week. It’s got a good place on the bill, which has helped quite a little. The act is nothing out of the ordinary, and not as good as Trovello, from a ventriloquial stand point. The dancing doll is a little novelty. Mr. Colby opens in one about 8 minutes, and closes in full stage 20 minutes all told. CDF.

Nat Gill

Ventriloquist. Full stage, closes in one, 3 shows, 16 minutes. The ventriloquial [sic] part of his act is not much; too much sameness. Uses several mechanical figures which is his strong-hold. The act is only fair, in fact, the weakest number on the bill. Will cut him down to 12 minutes, and have him open the show.

A.O. Duncan

Ventriloquist. This man’s got a lot of good, bright stuff and is going as good as any of the ventriloquists I’ve played. He keeps his talking up-to-date, and seems to localize it wherever he goes, which, of course, always makes a big hit. He’s doing 18 minute, with 4 minutes in one.


2 shows, 20 min. open in 4, close in 1. Ventriloquil comedian, using the usual number of dummies, and going about as well as similar acts always do in this house.


Ventriloquist. Same act that he has given us on former visits and which went very well indeed 22 min. open full stage, close in one, 2 shows.


Ventriloquist. Garden 4, 17 min. A man who displays great ventriloqual [sic] ability and his line of talk enables him to make his work interesting. While we secured him only in time for our supper show his presentation gained him applause from the few auditors here at the time. His work will fill him nicely by closing in one. He has an act which may be valuable to us this week.