
Ventriloquist. Works in a CDF representing a Hotel Office and carries his own scenery. He launched more objectional [sic] stuff than I have heard any other performer use in the house this season. Such phrases as ‘Go to Hell’ and ‘Oh Good God,’ with the exception of a number of these cuts, the act is all right. The mechanical effect of the marching soldiers went very well. Good act. 18 min. Close in one.

Ed. Reynard

Well known Ventriloquist.  Without doubt this is the best act of its kind.  The scenery, props, figures, Light effects etc., are immense and while Reynard’s Ventiloquial efforts may not be as artistic as either Prince or Edwards, he certainly goes better with the audience.  20 minutes, full stage.

Rex Fox

Englishman on slack wire with dummy on his back that he uses to good effect for Ventriloquial stunts.  His individual work on the wire is great, and some of it is unique.  His still walking and playing the Mandolin at the same time made a big hit.  Also his balancing lighted lamp on one foot and playing the Mandolin.  A picturesque and novel act that would go anywhere.  Biggest applause I have ever heard for an act of this kind.  12 minutes, full stage.

A. O. Duncan

American’s Representative Ventriloquist.  Act very well known on Circuit and am sorry to say that Mr Duncan has very little new material.  He uses the same old fore figures and mostly all of his old gags, including the telephone and cabinet, for which he uses the very same dialogue he has used before that I know of.  Act went only fair but received quite a bit of applause with his imitations.  Interior 19 minutes.  Close 2 minutes in one.

A.O. Duncan

Ventriloquist in two. 16 minutes. Closes in one about four minutes. Mr. Duncan is going very well, this being his third appearance Pittsburgh in the last seasons and he is going fully as big as ever.

Ed. Reynard

YHR 2. 21 minutes. Ventriloquist. Introducing some new mechanical figures, with a lot of new material. His work is all clean, and he obtains numerous laughs. He had a hard place and considering the time he held them to the finish and went strong.

Mable Sinclair

Ventriloquist.  She uses one dummy.  She does not do at all for Cleveland.  She received very little laughter this after noon and no applause.  Drop in one.  12 minutes.

Ed F. Reynard

2 shows, 21 min, full stage. Well-known ventriloquil comedian. The most ambitious as well as the cleverest of all ventriloquil comedians. In spite of the fact the show had run considerably over time, this man scored heavily in this spot on the bill. Closed to big applause. Sort of act we should be pleased to have in Christmas bills.