Harry Bulgar

16 minutes in 1. Bulgar sings five comedy songs, the first two in full evening dress, and the other all in comedy make-ups, closing the act with an eccentric dance. Each number received good applause, while the closing dance went strong enough for him to take four bows and make a little speech. While he is no big positive hit for us, I feel the value is here in the name, while his work compares favorable with that of any of the legitimate stars that have gone into vaudeville. I have had a long talk with him and advised using the comedy make-ups all through thus eliminating the dress suit, and I feel that the value of the act will be enhanced fifty percent thereby. From present indications it looks like he will draw is some money, and I am well satisfied with the engagement.

“At the Waldorf”

40 minutes f.s. This act is altogether too long to close a show as the audience after such bills as we have been giving, get restless. In reality it is nothing more than 40 minutes of vaudeville entertainment, singing and dancing. It held the audience better to-night however.

McKay & Cantwell

Comedy, singing, dancing and talking act, which pleased me much better than it evidently did the audience. 15 Min. in 1 ½.

Belle Veola

This lady opens her act with a song and a little dancing, introducing high kicking. She then strips to tights and does about as clever an act of contortion I have seen in many a day. She is inclined to think that she can do her act just as well in a short dress as in tights, but I am a little doubtful about it. She is going to try it to-night. Whichever way it goes, however, it is a thoroughly all right act. 11 minutes in one.

Crotty Trio

A man, a woman, and a little girl in a singing and dancing act. The singing does not amount to a great deal, but they are good dressers and good dancers. The man and the little girl bring especially good in their line. It is a very satisfactory 3-show-a-day act. 15 minutes, open full stage and close with about three minutes in one.

Brandon and Wiley

Colored men and woman in songs and dances. Pretty much the same as all acts of this kind, except that the man introduces quite a little novel acrobatic dancing. From a 3 a day standpoint it is a very good act. 13 Min. in One. 2 Shows.

The Harts

NH 3 – A Young man and a woman in a singing and dancing act. They are both of them neat dressers and clever dancers, and their act is especially acceptable from the fact that they do not attempt any comedy of any description. It is a good, useful three-show-a-day turn. 11 minutes in one.

Brandon and Wiley

NR 3 – A colored man and woman in a lively singing and dancing act. The man is beyond question the liveliest fellow of his race that I have ever seen. He does a lot of acrobatic dancing and some entirely original feats in the gymnastic line. The woman is clever and the whole act made a big hit. 17 minutes in one.