For some reason or other this act didn’t create the hit looked for. There were some good laughs distributed along the line and the singing and dancing seemed to gain considerable favor. For an act of its reputation it was a disappointment. 30 minutes, special in 3.
Well-known singing and dancing act which did very well indeed and could, in fact, hold a much better position. 2 Min. in One.
11 min. Character songs and dances in one with moving picture screen, showing her making changes of costume in the dressing room and behind the scenes. Miss Kokin held her place admirably and won frequent encores.
In a musical flirtation, “The Girl and the Pearl”. A very classy little offering and one that got along very nicely. The songs and talk of this pair went very well, and while the act wasn’t a riot it was very favorably received and gave excellent satisfaction. Special set 1 1/2, 14 minutes.
Young man and woman in a singing and dancing act which proved to be a distinct hit. The opening scene in riding costume was only fairly well received. The hard-shoe dancing which followed, by the man, went big. The singing of the woman with banjo accompaniment was a bona fide hit and went very strong. Her negro impersonation went especially big. The finishing song by both members of the team rounded the act out great and they were compelled to respond to six or eight bows. 14 minutes, street in one.
15 min. in one. The addition of Miss Murray to this act has improved it a good deal, as she is very pretty and good dancer and vocalists. The Reiff Brothers have been seen here before. Their work is novel and amusing and they are good dressers. Songs of the medley order which went well. Finish with a Joe Miller joke book song. The dancing is novel and scored. Act as now framed up is classy and appeals to our audience.
I can’t see this act with spy glasses and neither could the audience. The eccentric dancing by the two men is all right, but the singing is atrocious and the comedy is, I am afraid, much too subtle for our audience. I don’t ever want to see them again. 15 Min. in One.
Man and woman. Time 13. In 1. Sing and dance well. The man makes a foozle at being a dialect comedian.
“The Medley Man and the Maid in Brown”. A very clever team of singers and dancers who present quite an original act and a novel turn. The act is well dressed, they both make a very pleasing appearance, they sing well enough and they do some exceedingly unusual hard-shoe dancing. The act proved itself to be well worth while, went exceptionally well all the way through and finished very strong. It was a particularly meritorious offering and gave excellent satisfaction. 15 minutes, street in one.