14 min. in one. Make good appearance. Open with song fairly well received, proceed to excellent wooden-shoe dancing by Cotter. Miss Boulden then gives some juvenile song selections, with banjo accompaniment. Has a sweet singing voice, and received good applause. Closed well with a darky duo.
They did nicely here with some good songs and dancing. In one, but we gave them a little setting.
Songs and dances, 17 minutes in 1. A lively pair that scored a big hit. They are doing the best act they have ever given us.
15 minutes in 1. A lively singing and dancing team, man and woman, that includes some banjo playing and imitations, all of which went first rate and had a big finish.
Singing and dancing, went fair. 13 min. in one.
Two boys in a comedy singing and dancing act that got by all right in this spot. 12 Min. in One.
11 min. in one. These two boys are really a hit. One of them is discovered to be a female impersonator, and not a real woman as would be inferred from the clever dancing and falsetto singing. His soprano voice is remarkable and the dancing of the two on the mat received good applause. Of course, the unmasking at the finish got a great big hand for its unsuspected surprise.
Singing and dancing which is all right and the finish when one reveals himself to be of the male sex brings a roar of applause. In one.
Vocalists, wooden shoe dancers. 11 in one. These boys are exceptional good dancers. Their vocal work is not very strong, but their wood and soft-shoe dancing are novel and interesting. The crazy dance at the finish gave the act a good close.
12 minutes in 1. Opening her act a little slow, but ginished [sic] good and strong. Singer and dancer.