The Hamlins

14 minutes in 1. Man and woman. Very good appearance and excellent dancers, in fact, it is their dancing that gets them by in great shape, as the woman cannot sing and the comedy is mediocre.

Ford, Sheean and Ford

Songs and dances. An attractive act that seemed to please. 18 minutes full stage.

Lone, Freley & Stella

(15 mins.) A neat dancing turn by two girls and a man, nicely costumed. They do a variety of songs and dancing and closed to a big hand.

Boyle & Bennett

(10 mins.) A man and woman in songs and dances. Singing only fair but both are good steppers and got by nicely on their eccentric work.

Walsh & Edwards

(13 mins.) A fair singing and dancing act by a boy and girl, the dancing being the better part of the act, and it helped their closing number.

Vinie Daly

(17 mins.) Repeated very well with her songs and dances and closed to a good hand.

Dooley & Storey

Singing, Dancing & Talking. A good entertaining act, that went good Monday afternoon. 12 min in 1.

Jennings & Dorman

Man and woman. In their vaudeville offering “A Batch of Smiles” – A talking, singing and a little dancing act. This act received a few laughs through act but a light hand at finish. Carry a special drop representing golf links. 14 min.

Mullen & O’Connell

Singing & Dancing. This act with a few minor changes can be made into a very good small time act. Capt Mullen the Seventy year old Captian of the East providence Fire Dept, can dance all around most of the youner dancers in Vaudeville, and his partner has a better voice than most of the singers that appear in this house. Could be made a good act. 18 min in 1.

Ernest Evans

(19 mins.) One of the prettiest dance acts we have played this season. Mr. Evans is a clever dancer and is surrounded with seven attractive-looking girls, nicely costumed and the act is elaborately staged. The girls play musical instruments in addition to their singing and the entire act made a very strong impression.