16 min. in one, close F.S. This is a very good dancing act. The singing of Mack is something to be desired, but his eccentric dancing, particularly in the baseball stunt and when dancing up and down a flight of steps, won good applause. Miss Williams is quite a clever little soubrette. Together the pair held the spot very well, although not strong enough for a much more important place on the bill. Closed well.
Well known singing and dancing act. Made an unmistakable hit. 20 min. in one.
Singing and dancing act. Two men, fairly good dancers. Their finish is dancing on two drums (made of wood) 7 minutes in one. Not much applause.
15 minutes in 1. A combination singing and dancing act. The dancing of the two girls is splendid, and the act held the spot alright.
Refined singing and dancing novelty. Their opening song should be changed and will be tomorrow as it does not land. These people have a most pleasing novelty act that will go well on any bill and particularly before an audience appreciating class. They make five changes of costumes, their songs, with the exception of the opening one, are good and act should make a hit anywhere. Moved down from #2 spot. Own plush drop in 2. Time 14 min.
Time 20. In 1. They sing and dance about in amusing fashion. They have abundant bright material and know well how to entertain. Miss D’Armond’s petite personality helps out a lot.
Singing and dancing. Olio in one, 18 minutes. A new act to our house—very neat and a big hit.